TELL US 4047023715






Evaluation: Alcohol and Drug, Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Cognitive Skills/Impulse Control, Mental Health.

Alcohol and Drug Education: Basic education on biological risk factors of addiction, substance abuse vs. dependence, and what is considered low risk based on one’s biology. The curriculum includes medical aspects of addiction/abuse, disease concept, impact of substance abuse on the family, introduction to self-help groups, ect.

Certified Clinical Evaluations and Treatment Providers: State certified Clinical Evaluations and ASAM Level I treatment provider for the DUI Intervention Program of Georgia.

Cognitive Skills Counseling: Designed for the criminal offender population. The focus is on developing right thought and right action, reprogramming and restructuring patterns of thought that are not beneficial to the client.

Shoplifting Diversion Program: This is a 6 week, “offense-specific” program for those charged with/convicted of shoplifting.

A way to get better


More than 15 million Americans a year suffer from depression, an illness that is on the increase worldwide. Depression is a complex disorder that can interfere with concentration, appetite, and sleep patterns; and more severe cases can seriously disrupt a patient’s life.
From seasonal affective disorder to bipolar disorder and major depression, our expert clinicians offer a range of effective therapeutic interventions for depression, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and medication.


Specialists you can trust

Experience makes a real difference. As well as being treated with respect, our patients can rely on being given the best care that each professional has to offer. Our psychology services are always tailored to meet your requirements.

A glass half empty... or a glass half full?

Do your negative emotions sometimes threaten to overwhelm you? You don’t have to allow depressing, negative thoughts to shape your life: the structure of your brain is constantly changing and your brain can be trained and molded to help you regulate and limit negative emotions. A carefully tailored program of mindfulness therapy can actually change its functional connectivity, replacing those negative images with positive thoughts of optimism and loving kindness.
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